Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Red Jewels
Leaving your red wine alone around me is very much similar to inviting a convicted felon to your house and strewing jewellery around while saying things like "oh there's so much I can hardly keep track". Can you blame us?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Things I dislike:
People who speed up when you put on your signal. Seriously!!! Where are you going that is so important. If its that much of an emergency put on your 4 ways, beep your horn and drive around like mad, otherwise screw you!
People who ask "is it a boy?" when I've color coded him by dressing him completely in Navy blue. I get it when its brown or red but not blue.
People who ask me when I'm due while I'm holding my baby.
People who wont take no for an answer, no I don't want to buy....., no I don't want to be on your list... and no I don't want to tell you why.
Things that come with instructions.
Things that actually require instructions.
Toys that are wired into their boxes. My toddler doesn't get please wait patiently Mama has to spend 20 minutes untangling and untwisting it while your brother cries.
Things that intrigue me:
People with eye patches.
Men wearing scarves or ascots.
Things I like:
My boys
The bunny that lives in my backyard
eye twitch
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My very best friend

To fish
This week was my very best friends birthday, so this is an ode to her.We met when we were 13 and she has been my very best friend for 19 years, thats a long time of love. Very occasionally we drift a little as life twists and turns but we know we'll always be there waiting down the road. I always feel blessed to have her. We have very much in common we both used to be chubby, sorry baby but we were, not fat just chubby, we say things even when they might bruise a little, sometimes I need to be told "no I'm sorry that shirt does NOT look good". If we were lesbians we would marry immediately (our husbands are aware of this information). When the end of the road comes we will sit on the steps talking about nothing and probably hold hands. She is my love.Happy Birthday to you

Love star

true love
Too much information
Last night I asked my husband if he wanted to have some "grown up time" after the kids went to bed. He ambiguously said "maybe". The nerve! So I shaved my legs, and not just to the knee, and made sure he knew that I had, put on my very prettiest and very smallest pj's and said good night. I think he'll think twice about that next time.
that's what he said
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Presents? For Me?
If the father isn't home on Fathers day, does that mean I get a gift?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Spandex Lycra
I feel that spandex and Lycra should have stricter enforcement policies. When I'm running I see a lot of weird stuff (last week a 50ish man on a motorbike wearing a turquoise bikini top, I kid you not, sad part is I have the same one in hot pink, but thats a different topic all together). Anyway I think that spandex should have a selection process. I though at first that maybe it should only come in specific sizes, like up to a 6, but you have to account for different body types. So my new plan is: We make a selection committee. You have to go before a board and be approved, obviously then we would need to have authorized spandex distributers who can meet said criteria. I would not be exempt from this process. The great part is then people would say "what are you wearing?" and you could say " oh this, its just a little something in spandex" and they'd nod knowingly. It would be the equivalent of having a Tiffany's ring. p.s. I would oh so like a Tiffany's ring.
The best
Status update Naomi: let it be known: breast feeding does not, i repeat does NOT work as birth control!!

Monday, June 14, 2010
My friends are Funny
My friends are Funny, with a capitol F. I've decided to start sharing their humor as well.
To my lovely Rebecca, you made me laugh out loud today.
Status update Rebecca:
If I was Evan I wouldn't have been up at 5:30 am....I'm just sayin'.....
(Perhaps important to note: Evan is 2)
Toddler woes
Sunday, June 13, 2010
"the felon"
I have decided to think as my husband as a convicted felon who has been court ordered to carry out community service(occasional housekeeping(when prompted), yard work(sometimes), childcare(when in good moods), etc). I shall henceforth refer to him as "the felon" .
official name change,
time served
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Running with Stroller

The best part about running is that it gives me a time out, its me time but the kids really enjoy it too.
Chariot vs MEC stroller running
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Falling Behind
The big guy has been away a lot this past month and I've fallen behind on almost everything. I'm just keeping up and really have nothing pithy to say thus haven't kept up here either.
Here is my sum up:
Husband away 20 days
Bought a new car
Lightening stuck tree in yard, fell on neighbours garage and cut power to next set of neighbours
Water wrecked sewing room in basement
Wishing hadn't bought new car so soon, see above 2 lines
Boys are growing huge, littlest monster has learned to giggle and I'm absolutely loving it.
giggles and lightening
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