Katie Anna: Things

Monday, June 28, 2010


Things I dislike:
People who speed up when you put on your signal. Seriously!!! Where are you going that is so important. If its that much of an emergency put on your 4 ways, beep your horn and drive around like mad, otherwise screw you!
People who ask "is it a boy?" when I've color coded him by dressing him completely in Navy blue. I get it when its brown or red but not blue.
People who ask me when I'm due while I'm holding my baby.
People who wont take no for an answer, no I don't want to buy....., no I don't want to be on your list... and no I don't want to tell you why.
Things that come with instructions.
Things that actually require instructions.
Toys that are wired into their boxes. My toddler doesn't get please wait patiently Mama has to spend 20 minutes untangling and untwisting it while your brother cries.

Things that intrigue me:
People with eye patches.
Men wearing scarves or ascots.

Things I like:
My boys
The bunny that lives in my backyard

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