Katie Anna: The hard bite of reality at the ripe age of 2

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The hard bite of reality at the ripe age of 2

Background: Orange 1 is watching a movie Polar Express (I'm sick, it has trains, we all win), in it a star falls and an Elf jumps after it and saves it or something along those lines, I wasn't really paying attention.

I overhear this conversation: Husband " I just want you to know that what we just witnessed isn't actually possible and can only happen in movies unless you neglect the aspect of wind resistance, I just want you to know that this couldn't happen in real life and......acceleration due to gravity....9.8m/s(squared)....elf.. theoretical......"

Me "What!?"
Husband: "Whaaat? He should know" 

Please note Orange 1 is only 2

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