Katie Anna: Today's post is brought to you by the letter F

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today's post is brought to you by the letter F

F as in feeling, not as in bomb.

Last night we played another rousing game of musical beds. Piggy must be growing and is up every hour, Orange 1 is also having some trouble sleeping. We rotated from my bed, the nursing chair, O1's bed, back to my bed and so forth. But in the happy light of morning everyone is happy and frolicking, the coffee is hot and I'm grateful to have such happy little boys.

Lately when things are getting me down I have a rotating stream of words that give me a little sanity.


These are words that inspire me or I qualities I aspire to have. So today I say to you inspire and aspire. Try to inspire someone, your kids, a stranger, anyone  and aspire to do better. Do something wonderful with your kids, play ball in the park, go for a walk and watch the fall leaves change. It doesn't have to big big it just has to be meaningful to them. Share kindness, give something to charity, buy a cookie for someone on the street, put something in the food bank at the grocery store or share a smile with a stranger. Take it anyway you want but do something.

Today I will share kindness 

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