Katie Anna: True Confessions - Number 2

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

True Confessions - Number 2

The carnie is still on the road so while he's away I thought I'd share some secrets involving him as well.
Last month the carnie was away for 18days in a row. While he was gone he said "go ahead and check my email so you can look at the next months work schedule" so I did.  Here is what I found:

He had emailed scheduling asking something or other and they replied. This was the first email from scheduling so I opened it (AS DIRECTED BY HIM)

Carnie " Greetings from xxxxx where the vodka is plentiful and the women are beautiful, until they turn 35 and some sort of switch flicks, blah blah blah scheduling, blah blah"

I was so M A D!! First of all he could have taken us on the road with him on an all expenses paid carnival tour, but didn't ask us to go. His response: "Uhhhh, I didn't think you'd want to go". Yeah cause I don't like hotels and restaurants, its just so taxing to not have to clean up or make meals.

So this was the kicker for me, I'm at home with 2 kids, they're loud, they're messy, he's eating at restaurants, sleeping through the night, eating freshly baked cookies, I bet the concierge fluffs his pillow for him!  PLUS he's drinking vodka and checking out all the ladies.

So I replied:
F Y I   Don't tell your wife she can check your email to look at the work schedule if it's going to include emails about you ogling women with your vodka goggles on. Glad to hear your enjoying the under 35 crowd. Less Than Impressed!!!!!"

I sent it to him and a few days later the carnie says to me " You know I think when you sent that to me you must have clicked reply all and also sent it to scheduling". (They thought it was so funny they forwarded it out to the entire office.)

Me (innocently)" Oh my I'm sorry about that"
True confession Number 2: I know how to send an email to a single user, I'm no dummy. I had to cut and paste that address in there. hahahahahaha. Now let that be lesson learned!

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